Es gibt noch Hoffnung für Enterprise!

Alles rund um die STAR TREK Serie mit Capt. Archer und Co.
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Buzz T.
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14.03.2005, 13:12

Original von "Phoebe J."
zwischen 3.100.000 und 27 Mio ist ein ´kleiner´ Unterschied.
Wurde der letzte Lotto-Jackpot schon geknackt?
Wenn nicht, kann man ja ein Los spenden und das beste hoffen...! ;)

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14.03.2005, 14:59

Original von "Der EiHeilige"
Original von "Phoebe J."
zwischen 3.100.000 und 27 Mio ist ein ´kleiner´ Unterschied.
Wurde der letzte Lotto-Jackpot schon geknackt?
Wenn nicht, kann man ja ein Los spenden und das beste hoffen...! ;)
Dann drückt mal alle ganz fest die Daumen:round:
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Buzz T.
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14.03.2005, 18:05

Original von "Kathryn"
Dann drückt mal alle ganz fest die Daumen:round:
Wieso? Hast Du den Lotto-Schein für Paramount schon abgegeben? ;)

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14.03.2005, 20:12

Original von "Der EiHeilige"
[Wieso? Hast Du den Lotto-Schein für Paramount schon abgegeben? ;)
Ich bin leider noch nicht dazu gekommen. :)
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Buzz T.
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15.03.2005, 09:15

Original von "Kathryn"
Ich bin leider noch nicht dazu gekommen. :)
Na, dann mal los! HOPP! ;)

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"fold and hold" of the "Enterprise" sets.

22.03.2005, 18:38

Original von "SyFy Portal"

The source also commented on the recent "fold and hold" of the "Enterprise" sets.

"It´s not for what fans think," he said, referring to some speculation that they might be saved for a possible fifth season of the canceled series. "They are going to be redressed for (another) project."

The above story has not been confirmed by Paramount Pictures, so it should be treated as any other rumor would.
Original von "TrekWeb"

Last week (March 14th) on TheFandom Web radio show, Chase Masterson (Leeta)´s guests were Lolita Fatjo and Ron B. Moore . Fatjo has sixteen years under her belt working on STAR TREK series and movie production.

LF : So, does that mean anything is being handled differently because of ENTERPRISE? I don´t know. Um, I do think it´s a shame the show did get canceled after just four seasons. But, I... I really don´t know if it will be saved. I certainly hope so. But, I think everybody that worked on the show would love to see that happen. But, as the entertainment business works, you know, the actors that were on ENTERPRISE, and the crew, they´re all off doing other things already . So, my personal feeling is that, yes, there will be another STAR TREK sometime, without a doubt. But, will it be ENTERPRISE? I doubt it.
"Come, come, Mr. Scott. Young minds, fresh ideas. Be tolerant."
--Admiral James T. Kirk, Star Trek III

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22.03.2005, 19:22

Original von Børge Anderssen
Original von "SyFy Portal"
. "They are going to be redressed for (another) project."
heißt das jetzt, dass es eine neue star Trek serie geben wird oder wie? :confused:
Ich kann das nicht alles gut übersetzten bin nicht so gut in englisch. :D
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Phoebe J.
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23.03.2005, 11:42

Nein, das bedeutet dass sie für ´irgendein anderes´ neues Projekt wieder herausgeholt und leicht modifziert werden.
Irgendeine andere Serie, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, NASA-Base - wofür man sie halt gebrauchen kann.
Aber wohl kaum für Star Trek. Bis dort die nächste Serie kommt wird es nach der Pleite für ´Enterprise´ sicher etwas dauern bis das nächste Projekt auch nur geplant wird. Und wenn dann ein neues Projekt kommt wird man ohnehin neue Kulissen bauen müssen.

Allerdings klingen diese Statements sehr negativ. Vermutlich ist der Zug die Show noch wirklich zu retten schon abgefahren. Klar die Darsteller haben zu Ende gedreht und brauchen jetzt neue Rollen - immerhin müssen die auch von was leben. Unterzeichnen neue Verträge, die Crew wird umgesetzt...das Unterhaltungsgeschäft ist sehr schnellebig. Enterprise wäre nicht die erste Show die entgültig scheitert weil die Schauspieler inzwischen schon andere Verpflichtungen haben.
Mal sehen ob noch anders lautende Worte kommen, aber da man weder von Spike.TV noch von UPN oder Paramount irgend etwas hört, denke ich es könnte schon zu spät sein. Denn wie schon gesagt: wenn etwas hätte geschehen sollen, dann hätte es schnell sein müssen.
Mal:Do you know your job, little one?
River:Do you?


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23.03.2005, 14:28


Ich find das so gemein, die Enterprise Crew kam mir so vor, als würde ihnen die Serie großen spaß machen.
Und nun ist höchstwahrscheinlich alles aus und wir können nichts dagen tun. ;(
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24.03.2005, 16:08

Original von "TrekUnited"

Mar 20, 2005 - Last week, TrekUnited has shown a strong presence at the Pasadena convention, made new connections and confirmed that the Star Trek: Enterprise sets are standing without time limitation, with the actors still being under contract. The Paramount talks are continuing on a positive note, while Paramount PR has sent us a fax congratulating us for our efforts.
Original von "TrekUnited"

Paramount talks : As you all know, Andrew, our attorney, is in discussions with Paramount. As Tim has pointed some time ago, these negotiations take time, and they can´t be made public until both parties agree (most likely when there is a definite outcome). These talks require from us one thing - patience. They´ll take weeks, maybe months, but I want to remind you of the following: last year, Enterprise´s return was only for sure around May 20. Nothing is lost, on the contrary! We have not heard a definite "no" from Paramount. In fact, while we cannot disclose any details, we are very positive about the status of these talks. Tim and Andrew, our attorney, were getting a fax from Paramount PR just last morning, congratulating us for our outstanding efforts to keep alive Trek. While of course nothing is certain yet, with sets and contracts intact , we have an excellent position to keep fighting. The Save Farscape campaign was not that lucky -- they were facing destroyed sets and released actors. And yet, they not only collected 0,000 on their own, but brought back their show for a much-needed conclusion! If these dedicated people can do that, so can we! :) Please remember: we made quite an impression on Paramount - by fighting for Star Trek and making noise, with calling, faxing, letter writing, rallying and securing an amazing .125m, the largest amount ever raised by a fan-campaign! They contacted us because of these successes, but we NEED to keep going and CONTINUE to make an impression. We need your fresh ideas and new projects, your further dedication and help to provide the best conditions for the ongoing talks possible! Let´s show Paramount that we are there, not going away, not giving in quietly, but dedicated to save the show! :)
Original von "Nephandus@TrekBBS"

In fairness, I don´t think TU is intending to deceive; but I do think they have moved the cheese and are being skilfully managed by Paramount´s PR.

I´m a PR guy - here´s what I´d do. I´d send an invitation to "talk" to the most hardcore elements of the fanbase. Anyone who´d put their own money down to pay for a show themselves would get goosebumps from an invitation to come to Emerald City and see the Wizard.

And then filibuster...

They appear "reasonable" by "talking" to a fan advocacy group. They drag out the talks long enough that TU gives up, runs out of time or money - or so that the cast moves on to other things. Then, after most people have talked it out and accepted it - they announce that they were unable to get the thing off the ground.

Alternatively, they get TU to accept something else as a "victory" - a new videogame, a proposal for a new movie - and they credit TU with making it happen. In doing so, Paramount spends no money and TU handles all the image management. They also gag TU so it can´t promise anything to disappoint the fans with later when they pull the plug.

At the very least, I couldn´t blame the fans at TU from believing that huge things are happening, simply from the fact that TPTB would meet with them - even if nothing came from the meeting.

It´s kind of sweet, naive, and maybe a little genuinely sad. I´m thinking of the nerdy idealists from Trekkies finally meeting up with the LA entertainment business machine that creates the produkt that is ENT, and getting played, played, played.
Original von "PowderedToastMan@TrekBBS"

No its not proof that ENT isnt done

No one is disputing that Paramanout are retaining parts or all of the sets. The issue is that TU is claiming that they are responsible for it and that it is a ´sign´ that ENT isnt finished...taking credit where credit isnt due. And TV Guide confirmed TU had NOTHING to do with it AND that ENT cancellation is final (also said by Berman, Bakula, Paramount, Park, Billingsly, etc, etc)

Everyone knows that Paramount has recylced Trek sets between the shows and between the shows and the movies. The far more logical assumption is that the sets are going to be redressed and reused for the only Trek project that has been announced: ST XI (which takes place only a few years after the end of Trek)

TU saying that they saved the sets and that it is a ´sign´ is akin to spotting Jesus on your Grilled Cheese Sandwich and claiming it is a sign from god.
Original von "FleetLord @TrekBBS"
Original von "PowderedToastMan@TrekBBS"
- TV GUIDE states that the sets WERE NOT saved by TU but that it is standard practice
This is not a lie, but also not true (about TU), I will explain. We were told that since there was a chance that the show could go on due to our campaign a Hold n´ Fold was set in place and much of the stage would needed to be used also for Mission Impossible 3 and some of it for CSI so many of the pieces were placed in storage. Also it is procedure to store set material after the last episode wraps, the TV guide´s ´crusty old mole´ was correct on that part. I´m not sure what position the ´crusty old mole´ holds at Paramount but we were dealing with the higher teir. Also there are two other reasons that the sets might be held.

- Some parts dressed up for Trek XI
- A studio tour for Trek´s 40th aniversary next year.
(both come from Very credible sources)

So there are a few reasons why the sets are not destroyed, I know for a fact we had a part in it, but it was not the sole reason. I hope this clears things up.
"Come, come, Mr. Scott. Young minds, fresh ideas. Be tolerant."
--Admiral James T. Kirk, Star Trek III


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